made Architects have created a master plan and subsequent layout, of the 0.7-hectare former fire station site at 477 Margate Road, Broadstairs, located within the urban area of Westwood Village. The site is currently largely covered in concrete hardstanding. It was for many years a functioning fire station; but having closed, its buildings were demolished in 2019.

The development creates 24 houses and 12 apartments. The proposal enables a mix of tenures, unit sizes and material / building styles, helping to extend the new town centre and established street-scene. made are integrating the site into the urban context for future owners and occupiers, connecting with shops, retail, employment and leisure, as well as other services and facilities. The development provides accommodation that meets the needs of present and future generations in locations that are consistent with Thanet policy, including first time homes, shared ownership, affordable rent and private homes.


Ridgeview Wine Estate


Little Barton Farmhouse, Kent